
мы стали теми, кого презирали

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3 июля 2021 в 2:09:25

downstream until there is a happy end. 酔ったメモ。

Бываю чуть ближе, чем дальше и vice versa.

Это лишь дань ностальгии о старом сайте.

И здесь тепло. Не так как было, но этого

более чем достаточно для ноющей души.

4 февраля 2025 в 0:23:37

take me back to the night we met.

so I can love you more.
so I can give you more hugs and kisses.
so I can tell you how precious you are to me.
every. single. day.
until you're gone.

I miss you, baby. I miss you, my love.

I miss you so much, so damn much, I don't see my future in your absence. If I could beg the stars and kneel to the universe, I'd do it millions of times, if that would bring you back to me. I wish I had you here. I would give half of my life if that could guarantee me one more day with you. Fuck, I'd give all my life for you to be able to walk this earth. I don't need to be there, because I know you'd survive without me, but on the other hand, I'd never survive without you.

I don't even know how I am currently doing it.

Your unconditional love held me together, and I took it for granted. I took every single day with you with the arrogance of a spoiled child, because I genuinely thought you'd stay with me until we both leave this world crippled and old.

And now I'm here alone. In the crushing silence of regret, wallowing in the tears of unhealable loss and unsurvivable pain. I miss you so much, it physically kills me. I wish I could be gone, instead of you, I wish I had taken all this pain in and left.

I miss you, my heart, my love, my baby.
I'm so sorry for everything.

It's been 3 months, three fucking excruciating months of nothingness. My life has been divided in half, and I am still not ready to face the reality of you not being with me. People always romanticize the concept of soulmates being human, growing separately, but at some point in life attracting themselves during some sort of magical divine bs timing. And like cartoonish sparkles, boom, it's happening.

But it's truly all bullshit.
My soulmate is you, my baby.
My beautiful, smart, my lovely Luna.

My heart, my stars, my sunshine, my warmth, my soul. If only I knew that we had no more than four years, I'd love you so much that I would die with you, so we could decompose and become nothingness together. I don't need love or understanding from anyone else, because it doesn't matter.

None of it matters because you're missing. All I have is an empty shell of a heart and a desire to come for myself for not being there when you needed me the most. Every night I close my eyes and I wish I could see you in my dreams, I wish I could feel your warmth. I wish I could give you more kisses and more scritches, show you my love, and how thankful I am for you choosing me.

I am choosing you in any lifetime, Luna. I hope you know and feel how much I love you.

I want you back. If not, please take me. I miss you so much.

24 октября 2024 в 0:48:44

destroy the middle, it's a waste of time.

from the perfect start to the finish line.

You know.
You just know, when shit hits the fan, that's the digital space where you can find me hiding, weeping, breathing erratically.
You know.
When I feel like I'm drowning, suffocating in my feelings that pour out of my shallow cup of a body, that's the place where you can find me, retching alphabetically my soul out, etching the pain on the dusty servers of this website, that only digital gods know the placement. And it's for the good, because
You know.

I'm so not good at lying to myself because we've been there so often, you close your eyes and pretend it will be different this time. It's so so so different. And yet, it's so so so so fucking identical. It's so similar, but you're oblivious to this fact because feeling loved romantically is a much-neglected need of yours, that you grasp

any touch,
any smile,
any senseless kiss.

Like a starving, wounded animal, ready to be taken home, begging to be saved. Except that it's so far from home, but so close to be a fighting ring, that will make you bleed, crawl and feel so fucking miserable and emotionally devastated. But will it still be better than being left bleeding and starving alone? Right? Right?
When life feels like a granted win, your breaths don't sound earned, that's when your soul understands the wounds better than the body. That's when it hurts. It truly fucking does.

The thing is, you're doing it to yourself purposely. The main reason is, that besides the pure sadism, the bleeding and crying make you feel alive because nothing else does. I feel so fucking hollow, I can feel my soul between the epidermis, vibrating, wanting to be out. I wanted his hands on my heart, but I guess between my legs is also fine, pussy is also an organ. What's the point of these semantics?

You just simply want to be fucking loved.
What a concept, huh?

Without explaining how you want to be loved, explaining feels like a chore. And you're so fucking tired of chores. You're so damn tired. And you feel like sleeping with a man that doesn't want serious, because they all truly never want anything serious, will help. It will make the itching wound bleed less, even though you're the one who's constantly picking the skin, peeling the scabs, sucking on the pouring blood. You're the one who applies a band-aid on a deeply fractured bone, beyond repair.

Then the fuck is it for?

I guess for hollow adults we've become. We spread our legs for a semblance of a connection because a purely romantic feeling feels like a scam. Because nothing seems genuine, so you make it up. You feed your mind delusions until it cannot see clearly, and the next thing you know... you're crying here. Wishing that you'd never left the mother's womb.
Never to come out.
Never to be here to feel the hurt.

And then you drive back home, listening to this beautifully curated playlist called Songs to Cry to, and White Flag by Dido starts playing while you turn your gaze to the left and

Видишь пару державшуюся за руки которые путаются в их пальто как в паутине, потому что ветренно и скоро будет дождь. Её волосы танцуют под ветер и капли набирающие темп. И они идут, все ещё держатся за друг друга с улыбкой на лице, которая возможно бы вылечила меня в солнечный день, если бы не заставила реветь в руль моей тачки по дороге домой.

Всё ещё совпадение? Саботаж вселенной?

and when we meet
which I'm sure we will
all that was there
will be there still
I'll let it pass
and hold my tongue
and you will think
that I've moved on

Will I ever get over men who used me as an object of self-release when I was bleeding open for them? When I'm too much but not enough. When it's always a fucking middle. When I am just a comma in an incomplete sentence of their lives while I made them a whole chapter of my life.

What a fucking tragedy of a woman I am. What a fucking pathetic woman that just wants to be loved, for once in her life. That wants to be wanted to be a part of someone's life chapters, not paragraphs, not commas, not unfinished sentences.

Sharing the same chapters equally, making a book.
What a concept, huh?

Я надеюсь они будут идти вместе ещё долго, чуть дольше чем длится трэк Дайдо, Белый Флаг.

and if you live by the rules of "it's over"
then I'm sure that that makes sense


8 июня 2024 в 3:37:27

can't find the words to say goodbye.

I have to learn how to let people go.
I need to learn how to let the wrong people go
because if I don't
it will shatter me into thousands of pieces, it will annihilate my soul.
It does sound delicious, though

Whenever someone reciprocates a speckle of my emotions, the little muscle, the one that's caged between the rib bones, starts acting up. It starts misbehaving, starts snagging onto the person who decided to acknowledge me as someone.
It's fucking up my heart. It sets a trap. And I fall for it.
I, a naive little girl, little stupid girl, fall for it

Every. Single. Time.

Это уже как какая-то игра, правила которых нужно нарушать. И разочаровываться каждый раз. Надеяться, что в этот раз всё иначе, всё по другому, ведь это же другой человек, ситуация может быть и одинаковая, словно прописанная, но... но-но-но. No. Enough of these little hurtful lies.

Каждый раз, смотря на себя в зеркало, ощущая орущее сердце в барабанных перепонках, проигрывать словно зажеванную касету, повторять словно мантру заблудшего в собственных чувствах опустошённего путешественника:

Stop settling
c o m p r o m i s i n g
for mediocre
men who have
n o t h i n g to o f f e r
aside from your
cold, broken and
m u t i l a t e d heart
as a side
f u c k i n g

И когда месяц сменяется другим, и когда тебе уже осточертели сезонные situation-shits, недороворённости, сорвавшиеся планы. Когда кошки на душе успокоились и заснули, когда ты смотришь на себя в зеркало и вроде уверенно можешь проговорить вслух то, что тебе всё равно, всё прошло, чувства устаканились, что уже похуй.

Почему-то руки тянутся добраться до информации, зная что найденное ужалит как пчела. Но хочется посмотреть что и как, удостовериться, что тебе реально похуй...

That you are truly over it and there is no way back to old feelings because we can't go back to something that didn't technically exist. You can try to build sand castles on a rainy day, but you're grown enough to realize that it's simply a waste of time. An emotional fucking burden, an empty promise given to yourself by yourself. We're not here to build castles that won't last. We're not here to clown around.

И опять молишься, никому в никуда, потому что ужалясь, ты доебалась до старых погребённых чувств. Зализываешь рану, как пулей задетое животное, успокаиваешь свой дикий пульс, медленно осознавая что в прописанном и утверждённом сценарии вселенной, нет места на твои заметки или на твой список пожеланий. Потому что она тоже та ещё заноза в заднице, так как не важно как сильно ты хочешь быть любимой этим человеком: в твоём сценарии, это лишь ещё одна зарисовка твоих детских травм. Ведь кто же мы, как не полный их список.

Another night alone, a temporary dream
I came in through your sleepwalking
Standing arm and arm, still so out of reach
There's nowhere left to go, so stay with me
Stay with me

Or honestly, just fuck right off.

Because nobody goes to see the weeping sea
and starts to build sand castles in the rain.
Not you at least, and while I weep and roar
looking for the missing pieces of my heart
to pull myself together, maybe then,
someone will take me as is
so we can start building empires
on the aches of both of our broken hearts.

I've been waiting
I've been waiting for this moment
All. My. Life

13 апреля 2023 в 0:25:05

called to the devil and the devil did come.

Another wave's on the way.
Another moment's passing by
while you and I pretend
there was nothing left to try.

Maturity is a weird concept. You make yourself believe that you're finally becoming an adult until everything comes crashing down at you. The consequences of your decisions or their absence want to place you where you belong. It doesn't select a specific time slot in your calendar, it just enters without knocking, and you're suddenly taken aback. Breathless, confused, disturbed. Trying to figure out how to make this feeling of uncertainty about self-proclaimed adulting leave your headspace. It all feels so wrong, so cartoonish and irrelevant, that you want to tear apart your life and isolate yourself in a room that, you hope, will magically protect you from any possible harm.

Just like when you were a child. You were a child, but not anymore. Today, tomorrow and the day after, the only role-play you get is you deciding to be a top or bottom in life's hands.

The thing is

that nobody really knows how to mature or how to adult through life. It's a subjective experience. Life is a beautiful but tiring subject. We fix until we break, and we clean, scrub and wash until we make a hole. And it will still ooze of puce. Because it festers. Because it protects.

The thing is
Existence is fair. To all of us. It's the world we were born into that isn't.

Sometimes existence is bright, and sometimes it feels like cats purring on your chest, sometimes it smells like coffee and honey pancakes. Like there is hope, as sunflowers turn towards the sun. Only a few seconds, only half of a fleeting moment.

Mostly, it feels like a greedy swamp, that wants to swallow you whole, that wants to consume your last breath as if it has always been its goal. It won't stop until you stop struggling and accept. Let it go, submit to its will. If swamps could ever potentially have wills and desires. Aspirations even, maybe.

Except that, it's not about existence. It has always been fair to all newborns exploding their lungs and exuding painful decibels out of their toothless mouths. It's about the world. Not only that, but it's about people. Constraints. Social frames. Tinder swipes. Spotify playlists. BeReals. It's about incest, harm, abuse, drugs, and acceptance and denial.

It's about what the majority of sheep claimed as normal or acceptable. In the 1600s, in the 1700s, in the 1800s, in the 1900s, and blah. It evolves over centuries, sometimes it degrades, but there will always be bullet points for being accepted or denied. Some people will try to play in the grey. In between.

Good girls like cream pies and shackles.
Bad boys like being pegged and called good.

Good girls don't swear, good boys open the door to your personal hell being a housewife, with a ring that doesn't fit right. It hurts. Because being good is denying yourself the pleasure of being yourself. Being good, compliant is what this world wants. Because good is easier to control.

Good girls don't belong with bad girls, bad boys, bad them.
And the pain is not supposed to be enjoyable. It has to teach.
It has to instill fear, not thrill.

And frames are meant for family pictures that hide domestic abuse behind walls.

And being carefree has thicker consequences. Because being careless doesn't mean you're good.

Not either evil, in fact.

But we don't play between bullet points.

Only in time, we'll know the cost of continual lies and lessons lost.
Aimlessly adrift and lost deep in fire.

The fire.

30 марта 2022 в 21:42:53

I'll gift you with chaos and smother you with my darkness.

If I sow a wind now, I will reap a storm.
You saw me sliding away from the sun
and tomorrow who will come?

Сначала тебе внушают, что за ошибки своих родителей нужно всё равно расплачиваться детям, а потом ты встречаешь человека, который вырвался из душащей петли этих кровных жертвоприношений и все расстанавливается по полочкам. Ведь родителям, которые ни разу в своей жизни не сделали умный поступок нужно помогать, да?

Fun fact. Не нужно.

И ты сидишь на кухне и смотришь на здоровую семью, как фильм в пустом кинотеатре, только место на одного и переполняешься не завистью, обидой или жадностью, а пустотой. Пустотой которая оглушающим эхом отбивает стук сердца. И всё опять страновится на свои места.

And put their hand over mine.
Mine with the burning
shape of a gun.

Когда она звонит, потому что нужно ей. Когда она даёт деньги, бескорыстно for a favor perceived in the future. Не то чтобы мне нужны ссаные бабки, я зарабатываю достаточно, чтобы себя содержать.

Когда рингтон разрывается от просьб здесь и сейчас, а ты сидишь и думаешь, интересно, обнимал ли меня кто-нибудь когда-то просто потому что они соскучились?

Когда она смотрит на меня и упрекает в дочеринской неверности, мол в глаза не смотрю да объятия не отвечаю взаимностью и не люблю.

Не люблю.
Не скучаю.
Не звоню.
Не пишу.

Роднее только не родной. В глаза смотреть женщине, которая уничтожила семью, растоптала моё детство, похоронила мою психику, убила во мне все надежды, которые я все ещё пытаюсь собрать в двадцать шесть лет как найденный, но забытый пазл. В котором сто и одна потерянная деталь.

Сто и одна потерянная деталь. Сто и одна надежда, что взрослые, они же взрослые? Они же поступают так, потому что взвешивают все за и против? Они же делают осознанный выбор, даже если он не правильный, он же всё равно аргументированный?

Нихуя. Взрослые теперь их дети.

Если мне придётся сжеть поля, иссушить океаны, подорвать мосты, чтобы избавиться от неосознанных страхов, токсичности, я сдеру с себя кожу живьём. Я сделаю это. Фениксы возраждаются из пепла, и те, кто скажут мне, что я не смогу, будут гореть со мной.

I'll sow a wind now, I'll reap a storm.
You saw me sliding away from the sun
and tomorrow I will come.
Reemerging from your darkness.
And putting mine on a leash.

Unanswered calls. Hush.
Watch my movie. All seats are yours now.